Monday's Moment of Wisdom - Pearl Number 13

Monday 23 April 2012

"Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me"
 - Fred Rogers

Not so much profound words of wisdom but something some one said that has struck a chord with me. The end of last week took a unplanned twist of events in our family's life when my little LC became suddenly sick last Thursday lunchtime while at her Grandma's house.

I managed to get a couple of hours work in and then went to get her to find she had continued to be sick through the afternoon and poor Grandma had already done two loads of laundry! LC was sick twice more before we managed to leave and again in the car on the way home, we picked up her daddy on the way and as soon as we got in I rang NHS Direct for some advice as I was a little concerned at this point

By 7pm I was speaking to a nurse who had phoned back, LC was continuing to vomit and did so as I was on the phone, she asked what colour it was and when I told her yellow she advised us to get her to A&E, so we threw some things in to her baby bag and off we went, by the time we had got her and registered at reception it was 8pm.

We were kept company by another mum and dad with a very poorly little boy about the same age as LC who was also vomiting and we all shared looks of empathy, confusion and worry. They were seen with 45 minute of our arrival as they were there before us and we hoped that our turn wouldn't be much longer. At 9.30pm we saw the triage nurse who took LC's temperature, monitored pulse and weighed her, LC was puking up thick yellow vomit by this point as was drifting in and out of sleep and was very cross at being prodded and poked by the nurse who was very sweet and did her best to be gentle and reassuring.

We told by our nurse that a doctor would be along to see us and almost and hour and a half later he did! It was very frustrating as time ticked on we were all tired, LC kept asking for water which we allowed her sips but immediately sicking it back up, she was obviously in pain and very distressed and so were we watching our little girl and waiting for someone to finally see her. Our doctor was lovely and we understood that they got us as quick as we could, we explained we were told to come because of the colour of her vomit and showed him the towel we had been using, he felt her stomach and explained that as the colour had a greeny tinge he was calling down a paediatric surgeon and left to make that phone call!

At this point myself and LC's daddy just stared at each other, then started to think about all the possibilities of what may be about to happen, we phone both our mums and explained what was going on. About 20 minutes later our lovely paediatric consultant turned up, we went over again what was happening and he examined LC, by this point poor little monkey knew something serious was going on and very calmly and patiently lay there as the doctor examined her and I held her little hand.

Before the doctor could finish the exam he was called away to an emergency, as nurse popped in and told us we were being admitted to the Children's ward and he would visit us there to finish the examination. So at midnight our lovely nurse took us all up to the tenth floor, we put in an isolation room, more stats were taken, we were introduced to the night nurses and finally got a cup of team. We were told that only one of us could stay once the doctor had been back as there was only one single pull down bed in the room, naturally we agreed I would stay and we made plans and lists of all the things that need to be done and bought back to the hospital the next day, just before the doctor returned LC did a lovely little poo in her nappy which was good news and when the doctor did come back to examine her we were relieved to hear him say that this confirmed there was no blockage and our fears of surgery were lifted!

LC's daddy went home and I spent the night tending to my poorly baby with help and support from the nurses, they asked me to give her 5mls of water with medication mixed in that would hopefully help her to re-hydrate and replenish some of the nutrients she had lost, she continued to sleep and vomit and her temperature shot right up as I tried my best to keep giving her little syringes of water and meds when ever I could and getting a few cat naps in myself, thank god for the iPod that kept me sane and in touch with the outside world

In the morning we had a brief visit from the doctor and the senior consultant just to check how our night was and to up to 10mls, the night shift nurse changed in to the day and we again very supportive and friendly, I got tea and toast while LC continued to sleep on and off. LC's daddy arrived back at 9am with a big bag of goodies, a change of clothes, wash bag and diet coke and sandwiches for me and books and extra nappies for LC!

Mid morning another senior consultant came to see us who was wonderful with my poorly and very fragile baby, before he examined her he gave her toy monkey a thorough check over with his stethoscope and announced to the room of junior doctors and nurse that he was indeed healthy and well we tickled LC who was then happy to oblige him with his examination of her!

It was decided that if we could get a poo sample they wouldn't have to take bloods and with in minutes of them all leaving she provided them with a yucky dirty nappy and was relieved they would have to stick any needles in her! She was also aloud a bit of juice and water as she hadn't been sick since the early hours of the morning and at this point she turned from being a very tired and distressed baby back in to our charming and happy little girl, amazing what a bit of white toast and ribeanna can do for a girl!

AS the day progressed she improved so much, we saw her doctors again and they agreed that she was doing so well that we could care for her at home so at 4pm - ish we were discharged and came home together. LC was sick again and still had a temperature on Sunday with lots of runny nappies but we were told to expect this but eventually these have started to settle down. The doctors have suspected that she has contracted Norovirus and we will have this confirmed in the next couple of days.

I am utterly astounded at how well my 19 month old baby has handled all of this, she excepted everything that was happening, let all the medical staff touch her and invaded her space to do their job whether she was awake or asleep, never once asked to go home or said no to anything, she was brave and sweet and been so compliant the whole way through trusting everyone to get her back to health.

Because of this she has been spoilt with some presents which she thoroughly deserves.....

...and the little quote that I have chosen today is dedicated to all the hospital staff who did an amazing job looking after LC, although it wasn't no where near a serious as we originally thought it might be it was still a stressful time seeing our daughter so ill and the doctors and nurses who looked after her treated her like she was the most important patient on the world, in my job I get to hear a lot of negative stories about professionals especially in medicine and care and I am so happy to say that my family again have been met with courtesy, support and understanding from these professionals.

I am also happy to say that now at the start of a new week LC is running around, albeit with a few yucky nappies, getting up to mischief and being cute, clever and funny again and we can put our adventure in hospital behind us!

P.S. if you are still reading, thanks! x x x

With a little help from my friends.......

Tuesday 17 April 2012

..... I am going to lose weight and get fit, as simple as that! It's time to really make a commitment to making so positive changes to my body and my health and I'm sure this will help me in more ways than one.

I have my lovely other half supporting me at home and I have found 5 brand new cheerleaders to help me along the way and I intend to do the same for them! It's amazing what can come from a little conversation, some early morning banter, yesterday I started chatting to a few of my friendly blogging mummy chums on twitter and we were all saying how we were about to embark on the journey of shedding some post pregnancy pounds and we decided that it would be more fun and hopefully more easier if we all helped each other out. A few more of our twitter pals got wind and wanted in on the action and thus was born Gorgeous Mums for Smaller Tums!

So meet my our team  - Dolly at Sex, Drugs Rocker and Stroller Katie at Snuggle Bubby Sonia at The Ramblings of a Formally Rock'n'Roll Mum Lynn at Baby Steps and Vikki at Mummy's Cheeky Monkey
Us ladies will see each other through the highs and lows of reaching our goals and hopefully learn some new tips and ideas along the way!

My own personal goal is to go lose a stone, I weighed myself this morning, I was 9st 12lbs and at 5ft 1in that ain't good! I am below my pre-pregnancy weight (by 2 pounds!) But I am a whole stone heavier since than I was when I met my other half, I want to look nice and feel good in my clothes and I want to have a healthy attitude towards food and exercise as I want LC to learn this too as she grows.

I hoping to achieve a weight lose of 1-2 pounds a week, my whole family are going on holiday in a couple of months and my OH has promised me a fancy designer bikini if I can achieve it! So with my friends behind me I am determined to succeed and I will be posting about my journey as I go, wish me luck!

Gorgeous Mums for Smaller Tums - watch this space!

Monday 16 April 2012

A new venture with some lovely and talented blogging mummies coming here soon!

Monday's Moment of Wisdom - Pearl Number 12

"Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you are"
 - Cherie Carter Scott

Forgiveness, what does this mean to you? Can you, do you forgive? Is it easy for you?
Whatever the situation, whatever that pain is that you are carrying around, forgiving is the way to over come and let go, or so I'm told!

I want to forgive, I need to forgive! Everyone and everything, even myself, I am ready to relinquish this heavy weight and be free, because I simply want to be happy and focused with my family and future, in fact forgiveness I have learned, is actually all about me. It's not about letting the mistakes off the hook and being a door mat for who ever, its about unburdening your own hurt and anger so that you don't feel locked in a prison any more.

So with this in mind my week is all about forgiveness, so I am going to be working hard to find some compassion, for other people, for my past hang ups and for my wretched body who I'm sure is about to let me down gain!

I hope this inspires you to find a little forgiveness too...........

On a different more lighter note, here is a round up of our weekend!

Lots of napping...

..lots of silliness..
...and lots of chasing around farm animals!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Friday Feet

Friday 13 April 2012

Well lots of lovely ladies have been commenting on my feet this week, if you have read my post on receiving The Versatile Blogging Award from the lovely Mrs Jones at Keeping up with the Joneses you'll understand why! So for those ladies and anyone else who is interested here they are!

I am obviously the tiny foot in the middle......

.... and my lovely Canadian friend is the bigger ones trying to squeeze in to my ballet pumps!
(She is a UK size 8 BTW)

So seeing is believing and mostly I have to wear size 4's as I can't always get the shoes I like in my size! This has given me a fabulous idea for a new linky?????????

Sunny Skies are rolling in .....

Thursday 12 April 2012

Ahhh! I feel like I can slightly breath again, my head is clear, my body is relaxed and my feelings are settled and focused (mostly) again on my family and the future. My dark stormy days are in the past for now and I'm moving forward full steam ahead with love and life and thanking my lucky stars that I feel like me again!

The last two weeks I have had to put blogging on a bit of a hold, I had this sea of negative vibes and emotions swirling around inside of me. At first it started off with a touch of PMS and disappointment I feel every month when I know my period is coming. I thought "Ok, fine" I just needed it to start so I can move on to my next month, but then full on rage and despair took a hold of me and there was no letting up, nothing was going to make me feel better and I hated everything, my body, my home, my place in life. I wanted to lye in bed and see no one and do nothing, not even my LC I didn't even want to be her mummy, not then, not in those moments I wanted to be far away, from everything.

So a meltdown followed and I knew my old friend PND had stopped by to see me again, oh joy! As usual my patient and understanding OH reigned me back in from emotional and mental self destruct and help me get to the bottom of it all, focusing on what had happened to tip me over the edge this time.

It was indeed a combination of neglected hormones and the frustration of being stuck in a rut and not seeing a way out, with a family tragedy thrown in to the middle of it all! I realised I hadn't taken any vitamin B6 or evening primrose oil for a number of days, these are my life savers especially around my time of the month and the lack of had sent my hormones crashing! This coupled with my frustration of my useless body and my constant dislike of where we live sent my well being in to doom like state :(

So fast forward a few days of tear, tantrums (mine and LC, her diva like strops were not helping the situation much either!) getting some supplements in to me and talking things through with the OH clarity set in.

We had the most lovely Easter weekend which really helped to lift my spirits, my OH took me and LC to the mostly loveliest seaside town just down the road by an hour which got us talking more about the future and made us realise there is always a plan B (although we are really hoping plan A comes together a works out!) this lifted me a lot and gave me a sense calm and also determination and some new found energy that was much needed.

So now with my mind on the future and feeling rather hopeful again that things will come together when they are meant to I am ready to face the world again and bask in the sunshine!

This time I realised though that there were a few things I could of done to not let my mood escalate so much so here are my tips for keeping well and taking care of yourself when more than just the blues set in.......

1. Eat well! Mood food is so good for the mind and eating a healthy balanced diet can really help. Plenty of fruit and veggies and water to give your body a boost.

2. Shake your booty! Whatever you like doing exercise can really help your low mood and increase all those endorphins that help us feel energised and happy. For me this is easier said than done as working out is the last thing on my mind so I set achievable goals like walking to the park or playing football in the garden with LC something I know I can do and with all things I don't want to do when I'm low but have to I tell myself I only have to do it for 5 mins and then take it from there!

3. Support systems! This time I kept it all inside, my lovely mum made me promise her when she knew what was going on that I would phone her when I was low, I didn't feel like it but when the days were rolling on and I was on my own I decided to call her, it helped it really did and dear old mum talked me through those feelings and gave me some new perspectives, also felt loved and like someone cared and had done their best to understand me!

4. Extra support and nourishment. When I had this debilitating thing at the end of last year I saw my doctor for the first time, normally I can shake off the blues in a couple of days but this time it wasn't going away, my OH was quite worried and I so wanted to feel normal again. The doctor and I decided against anti-depressants because of certain factors happening in my life at the moment but agreed a good alternative was vitamin B6 and evening primrose oil. For me, these really do work, there are also other alternative therapies available and the best thing to do is talk to your doctor about what is right for you, other people have been successful with counselling and CBT too.

5. Don't be afraid to get to the root of the problem. Research shows that women who go through a birth trauma are more likely to suffer with PND. I had one with LC and it took me a while to get to grips with some aspects of motherhood, I also feel robbed of an experience that I thought was going to be amazing but just turned out to be stressful, hazy and upsetting. I still carry so many mixed emotions about it now so this week I am back at the hospital 18 months later to finally have a debrief with the hard of Midwifery to go over my birth and medical notes. (will update in a later post).


6. Be kind and gentle with yourself. It's very hard not to feel angry and in utter despair with yourself when feeling this way, but PND is an illness like any other and it takes time to recover. If you had a broken leg, a bout of flu or even a serious illness you would rest and give yourself the time and space to recover and get better, depression is the same. Remember with the right support you won't always feel this way, you can and will make a recovery, many other mums go through this too, it is nothing to be ashamed of, you are not a bad mum and asking for help means taking control of this horrible disease!

For me this is something that may never go away but as time goes on I learn to deal with and handle better. I actually spend most days working with other women who have and are suffering with PND so I have come to understand it very well, I just wish I could sometimes follow my own advice, but then that would make life too easy!!

P.S. - well done if you have gotten this far, I know it's rather long!

The Versatile Blogger Award

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Well my lovely and gorgeous blogging friend over at Keeping up with the Joneses 
has awarded me this!!

So I would firstly like to thank her, not only because that is part of the rules, but because she is fab, has a fab blog too, so go check it out!

Now I am going to tell you 7 things about myself because this is also part of the rules!

Here goes :

1. I work for a well known parenting website
2. I have lived in Canada and Italy
3. As well as a mum I am Auntie to 3 almost 4 nieces and nephews ( no.4 due in September on LC's birthday!)
4. I am a proud new owner of a iPod 3 (sorry am still obsessing about this ATM!)
5. I have size 3 feet!
6. My dream is to be CEO of my own company one day
7. I have 2 very needy cats who are also my babies - yes I am a crazy cat lady!

As the finale part of this I am required to pass this wonderful award on to 5 other blogs who I think are deserving, as this is the rules! My choices are:

All great reads so enjoy!
(Ladies who have been nominated to just to clarify rules are, if you want to participate, 1. Link back to who nominated you, 2. Write 7 things about yourself and 3. nominate 5 other blogs to recieve the reward, simple!)